Space and Remote Health Advances

The science of the solar eclipse

April 03, 2024

On April 8, a total solar eclipse will be visible from a narrow path that stretches from Mexico to... (Read the full article)

Saturn’s largest moon most likely non-habitable: Western study

February 14, 2024

A study led by Western astrobiologist Catherine Neish shows the subsurface ocean of Titan – the... (Read the full article)

Cutting-edge Western science research highlights role of collaboration

March 03, 2022

Discovering new molecules in space. Creating a salmonella vaccine for poultry – from plants.... (Read the full article)

Tour de force: Western Space researchers chart Orion Nebula like never before

May 14, 2024

Western University astrophysicists Els Peeters and Jan Cami and postdoctoral and graduate researchers Ryan... (Read the full article)

Researchers find destruction of oceans’ worth of water per month in Orion Nebula

February 23, 2024

An international team, including Western astrophysicists Els Peeters and Jan Cami, has found the... (Read the full article)

Western space experts test new rover instrument

May 29, 2024

Western planetary geologists Livio Tornabene and Gordon Osinski are leading an international team to better... (Read the full article)

Hubble traces “string of pearls” star clusters in galaxy collisions

February 08, 2024

Galaxy collisions do not destroy stars, though this might seem to contradict conventional wisdom, not to... (Read the full article)

Meteorite impact leaves rare rocks and evidence of extreme heat at remote lake in Quebec

July 24, 2024

Gordon Osinski, Neeraja Chinchalkar, the research technician at Western’s Earth and Planetary... (Read the full article)


January 18, 2023

The year has started off with a rare treat for sky-watchers: A recently discovered comet that may soon be... (Read the full article)

Western University mini satellite launched into space Monday

August 23, 2023

A satellite built by London, Ont.'s Western University has been successfully launched into space. The... (Read the full article)

Remote Labrador location potential training ground for astronauts

January 23, 2023

When scientists determined in the mid-1970s that the Mistastin crater in Labrador had lunar-like... (Read the full article)

Will a supernova explosion visible from Earth happen in our lifetime?

July 10, 2023

One of the brightest stars in the sky that is visible from Earth will eventually explode and will appear as... (Read the full article)

James Webb Space Telescope captures stunning image of 'Ring Nebula'

August 03, 2023

Western University researchers have captured some new images of ‘Ring Nebula’ in the Lyra... (Read the full article)

Meteor passes over Windsor, Detroit Tuesday night

November 15, 2023

It was a brief, bright flash over Windsor on Tuesday night — and researchers at Western University... (Read the full article)

Western researchers part of Webb carbon molecule discovery

June 26, 2023

Western University astrophysicists Els Peeters and Jan Cami are core members of the international... (Read the full article)

Western researchers capture stunning images of Ring Nebula with James Webb Space Telescope

August 03, 2023

The images, released today by an international team of astronomers, including Jan Cami, Els Peeters and... (Read the full article)

Western University-led conference to discuss how Canada can lead space technology

October 30, 2022

A group of outer space enthusiasts from various backgrounds are excited to gather in London to discuss... (Read the full article)

Western researchers among first to capture James Webb Space Telescope images

September 12, 2022

The James Webb Space Telescope (Webb) has captured the most detailed and sharpest images ever taken of the... (Read the full article)

‘Perseverance’ pays off for Western Space alumnus

February 17, 2021

When it comes to space missions, Raymond Francis has been there and has the cool NASA T-shirts to prove it.... (Read the full article)

Scientist set to explore massive stars with NASA telescope

May 19, 2021

An international team, including Els Peeters from Western University’s Institute for Earth and Space... (Read the full article)

Newly discovered ‘glaciers’ could aid human survival on Mars

May 25, 2021

Using radar, infrared and visible data, researchers at Western’s Institute for Earth and Space... (Read the full article)

Space grant helps Western expand Moon research

May 26, 2021

The Canadian Space Agency announced Wednesday it intends to land a micro-rover on the Moon within the next... (Read the full article)

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